5 cooking trends that were a hit during lockdown

 Good old British grocer Waitrose has  come up with some slurpicious recipes that became firm favourites during lockdown, so roll up your sleeves as they’re also perfect for Eid.

Eid recipes from Waitrose Abu Dhabi

Lockdown has forced us to discover new skills or hone the ones we knew we already had and while some flexed their muscles to become at-home gym bunnies, others donned their aprons and headed for the kitchen to practice their home-cooking fare on a captive audience.

While this was going on, the experts over at Waitrose were scouring the Web to find out what you were rustling up the most and came up with some kitchen trends. And they’ve put togther this nifty list of five lockdown food favourites and yes, banana bread and cheese scones do rear their tasty little heads!


Go bananas!

Banana bread recepe from WaitroseThis recipe allows you to use those over ripe bananas that are past their best, and is pretty popular all year round but during March and April alone, ‘banana bread recipes’ was entered into Google more than a million times! That’s simply bananas… but you might as well get in on the act by making your own.


Scone in no time

First, how do you say it… scone as in ‘gone’ or scone as in ‘moan’?  And which is correct? You can argue that one out over Eid when you munch on your delicious sweet or savoury batch! You also might well consider these British delights as something your gran made back in the day, but no, ‘scones recipe’ has been searched for four times as much in the past two months than in the last two years.  So, have a go at making your own and, perhaps, add a twenty-first twist to them.


Hone your flipping skills

English pancakes in Abu Dhabi Waitrose

Shrove or Pancake Tuesday is the big day for these easy-to-make  English pancakes but why wait once a year. Grab your pan and the batter mix (home made of course) and you’ll be joining the throngs of  pancake lovers who were flipping their pan like crazy dueing lockdown, when apparently  pancake recipes were searched for half a million times in the past two months  thats 200,000 more times than in the past two years.  So head here to flip your own.


You’ll be kneading these

Best bread in Abu Dhabi

It seems we all turned into bakers during lockdown and supermarket shelves were emptied as those would-be bakers proved their skills in the art of bread making. Be it naan, focaccia or sourdough, learn to make your own for any occassion.

Dont’ past the pasta

Pasta dishes in Aubu Dhabi
Pasta’s an easy go-to staple for the family… we can almost smell and taste the  creamy carbonara, spaghetti Bolognese and comforting pasta bakes from here. But what skyrocketed during lockdown was the search for how to make pasta from scratch. 


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