Arab Youth Survey 2020: UAE Chosen As Best Place To Live For Ninth Straight Year

Young Arabs have named the UAE as their top country of choice to live in for the ninth consecutive year.

In the 12th Annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey, released Tuesday, nearly half of all young Arabs (46 per cent) picked the UAE as the country they would like to live in, followed by the US named in second place with 33 per cent, the UK and Canada tied for third place with 27 per cent, and Germany took fifth place with 22 per cent.

The top reason given by respondents for choosing the UAE was safety and security followed by a range of work opportunities which ranked in a close second with 39 per cent.

Sunil John, President, Middle East of BCW and Founder of ASDA’A BCW, said: “For years, the UAE has served as a beacon of hope in the region. The unique model of the nation, celebrating social, religious and cultural pluralism, continues to gain the admiration of young Arabs, who see the UAE as the top nation in the world, over Western and Eastern counterparts, to live in and emulate.”

The survey was conducted among 4,000 young Arab nationals, aged 18 to 24, from 17 Arab states in the Middle East and North Africa.

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