ADEK Inspects All Schools And Nurseries

The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) has announced that as schools around Abu Dhabi are beginning to open, inspections continue in order to ensure that the safety standards at schools and nurseries are being followed.

The inspections will ensure that all students, staff and teachers follow all the protocols set in order to safeguard everyone from the ongoing pandemic.

In February, ADEK had conducted inspections at 221 schools reopening for in-classroom education and 119 operational nurseries.

The inspections track compliance across a range of 62 criteria, including adherence to social distancing protocols, the existence of on-premise COVID taskforces, regular cleaning and disinfection programmes, regular COVID-19 testing of staff and students aged 12 years and above, regulated classroom numbers, PPE equipment standards and daily routine checks conducted by a nominated school compliance officer to ensure safety regulations are being followed.

ADEK has also issued penalties for breaching regulations ranging from Dhs 10,000 to Dhs 250,000. On not complying with safety protocols, schools will be forced to move to distance learning or parents can remove their children from the school with fee refunds.

Nurseries that do not follow protocol with either move to distance learning for a week or will be fined.


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from Abu Dhabi World Online
